Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Encuentro Bautista Regional de Mujeres 2021 (Ladies Retreat 2021)

 The last few months were spent preparing the camp for our annual ladies retreat and for the camp season which is coming up in January and February. 

A big thank you goes out to Diane Courts and Rachelle Metzgar who were the planners of the Ladies Retreat this year.

We are so amazed of the enthusiasm of this event and how God has blessed. This year it was attended by 135 ladies. Our coworker in Christ, Veronica Sanchez encouraged us with 2 lessons on hope. Claudia Falloni shared her testimony which encouraged us to always trust that God is always with us and will never abandon us. God is so faithful!

Christmas season is upon us. Plans for special services and activites are moving forward at the Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida. It is always a pleasure to focus on our Savior's birth! We are praying that we will be able to reach those who have not yet received God's precious gift of salvation. 

God bless you as you contemplate on our risen Savior this season and as you begin 2022 in service to Him!

Monday, June 21, 2021

May 2021 - June 2021

 Hello Everyone! There is not much to report in the last few months. The government has put in effect stronger restrictions again to slow down the second wave of Covid 19. This means that we have had to go back to virtual meetings. They have started a large campaign of getting more vaccines in to Argentina and are vaccinating record amounts of people. Hopefully, the Covid situation will get better soon and we will be able to plan and have in person services again.

Before the second wave and second set of restrictions, some of us ladies were able to get together to make some turbans and caps for a group that serves cancer patients.

As of this past Sunday, we continue to have virtual services with the preaching of God's Word.


We will also continue our Sunday morning Bible studies where we dive in deeper to study the Word of God.

We can never say 'thank you' enough to those of you who continue to pray for us and support us finacially. We could not do this without your partnership. God bless you all!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Update for Jan. - April 2021


This was a roller-coaster month. With permission from the government, we had planned to have one youth camp. Everything was ready to go and three days before the first day, the government revoked our permits and camp was cancelled. However, we were not defeated. We planned two individual day activities. One for youth and one for married couples. It was so incredible to see the attendence of these two events! Everyone was so excited to get together and encourage and enjoy each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.


This was a very special month for us. Our daughter Stephany was married! They had the ceremony at camp and it was incredible!        



This month we had a ladies meeting and a men's. The ladies met in my home and the men at the church. The men did not take a picture.... 🙄

We also had a Covid scare so Mike preached form home and all of us met at the church.  * Covid 19 test was negative.


In April, we celebrated Easter. It really was a celebration! We had an excellent attendence. We had several visitors and recurring visitors. Mike preached the last sermon of a series on the New Covenant. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish, I would highly reccommend this four week series. El Nuevo Pacto. It starts on March 14th.
No picture of the congregation but we did get a picture of the eggs we gave out as gifts.

Thanks for reading and your continued prayers!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Restart (El Reinicio)

 This past Sunday, the 6th of December, we were finally able to have services in house for the first time in about 9 months because of the pandemic.

God allowed us to use this time to make some updates on the building. We were all so happy to see each other in person and see what the Lord allowed us to do to the building.

It is our prayer that the Lord will allow us to keep our doors open and that we would be able to reach more people during this period of so much uncertainty.

Thank you for partnering with us to reach Argentina for Christ!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A different Ladies "Encuentro"

 A different Ladies "Encuentro".

As with everyone this year, our annual regional ladies retreat went virtual. The idea was to connect with all our sisters in Christ in the province of Buenos Aires. We invited Tonya Liles, missionary in Peru, to share a Christmas message. She reminded us of all the hope that we have in Christ and that that same hope is still available to us today, tomorrow and forever!!

Encuentro Bautista Regional de Mujeres 2020, el 5 de diciembre

Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Hello!! I'm back!  Please forgive me for the long absence. So, now to try and catch up!

We have continued with our normal activities at church and and camp during this time. Two highlights at the begining of this year  was a visit from our friends, David and Tonya Lyles. They were so kind to come in February to preach and teach at the Pastor's/Missisonary Retreat and also at our camp for married couples. They did such an excellent job and were such a blessing!  We have invited Tonya back for our regional ladies encounter. This year it will be done through a platform like Zoom due to the quarantine measures that still restrict us here in Argentina.

Another sweet blessing was a baptism on the last Sunday of services we were able to have before the quarantine.

As I have already mentioned, we are still under quarantine from the Covid 19 pandemic so we are unable to have meetings in our church building. However, we have continued to have services via Zoom, Facebook Live, and WhatsApp. We are anxious to have regular meetings again!  We have two who are waiting to be baptized!

We do give thanks to the Lord for His protection and care during this prolonged quarantine. He has allowed us to be healthy and has provided for all our needs. God is always faithful even in such crazy times that we are living in today!

Sunday, January 28, 2018