Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unfortunately, 1+1=2

While at our first week of camp...
first attempt at breaking in.

While at our third week of camp...
second attempt at breaking in.

We are praying that the culprits are discouraged and won't try again now that they know that we have security glass and alarm system that works.  We are also praying that we will be able to replace these windows as soon as possible.
And speaking of camp, we just got back from 3 weeks of camp and are happy to report 32 professions of faith and many, many decisions to serve the Lord!  We thank all of those who prayed for our camps and ask that you would continue to pray that these young people will stand firm on their decisions.
7-11 year olds

12-14 year olds

15-25 year olds

In February we have one more camp week which is our annual pastor and missionary family retreat.  It is always a wonderful week to reunite with ministry friends and family and have a time for us to sit and hear God's word preached and taught to us.

Satan really has been at work trying to discourage us.  I just ask that you would continue to pray for us and our family in the States.  All of us are in the ministry or studying to be in the ministry and each one is going through special trials and challenges right now.  Thanks for remembering us and allowing us to be your ambassadors in Argentina!