Thursday, September 8, 2016

Short and oh, so sweet!

Two big blessings for the month of August!

We have added a new missionary to our church family!

Mike Todd - missionary to Peru

He is our son who grew up in the ministry here in Argentina. His long term goal is to return to Argentina as a missionary. His first step to reaching that goal is doing his internship as a TEAM missionary in Peru working with the David Liles family. Obviously, we and our church are very proud to officially have him as a partner for reaching the world for Christ!
If you'd like to read about his ministry, here it is.

Next stage in building project - COMPLETED!!

We are so happy to present what the Lord has done in the construction project!! Not only has it been a blessing to us, but also to the neighborhood. Many have come to us and mentioned how it has made the neighborhood look more polished.
It is our prayer and heart's desire that it will be used for His glory and be a testimony of His love to the world.

Saturday, July 30, 2016


We have had a busy 2 weeks of winter vacation!!  We had our annual winter VBS and our first winter retreat for teens. It was a lot of work but the Word was planted and lives were challenged. Our prayer is that God will touch the lives of these children, teens and their families.  All is for the glory of the Lord!

Activity in the plaza to promote the VBS.


Teen Retreat

Saturday, June 18, 2016


May is Mission's Month!

This year we detoured a little from our traditional activities. As you will see, my pictures were untraditional also!! (I was distracted from the great teaching and preaching that I forgot to take pictures of people!)
The first weekend we invited Missionary Pete Ard and his wife to come teach us about their ministry to the Jews in Argentina. Saturday night he taught us about the Jewish culture and on Sunday gave us an excellent challenge from God's Word.

Later on in the month, we had Alejandro Samariani come and teach us about personal evangelism. He gave us some great tools to use to break the ice! He also was able to share with our teens and preached on Sunday to encourage us to have compassion. The fuel that will ignite us to reach out and be a witness!!

The last weekend, on Saturday,  we had our "International Dinner". This year we did a traditional Argentine custom,  Cerdo al disco con vegetales - Pork loin with vegetables.  We made desserts that were international. Mike gave a lesson to remind us of our promise to support missions and to challenge us to pray that God would increase our faith. Sunday, we had a special missionary visit us! One of our very own, our son Mike (Michael) Todd via Skype!!  He is a TEAM missionary to Peru raising his support to be on the field hopefully before the end of this year.  We also took our Faith Promise pledges. We are so honored to be able to participate by giving and it shows by the 50% promised increase. Looks like we will be able to give our current missionaries a raise and take on a new one!

What are YOU doing for missions?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

And it has nothing to do with basketball!!

Our March Madness!!

I've never been much of a basketball fan but I do know that the month of March is a very special time for college basketball. On occasion I have been able to watch some of those games with my dad. This year March Madness occurred for us here in Argentina as all the regular ministries, new ministries, a purity vow, and Easter all converged in one month.  Here are the highlights!!

 Bible study with the teens.

                                                Purity vow ceremony for Abigail.

Easter lesson in the plaza and we gave away all 5 dozen plastic Easter eggs!!

Kid's Bible Club.(Cruzados-Ua 2)

                                                                                   Easter special.                             

 Mike participated in a men's retreat where 103 were in attendance.


Monday, March 14, 2016

Would you pray for 5 dozen please?

I have had these plastic eggs for a couple of years now waiting for the right opportunity to use them in a way that would be most effective. We are planning several activities to do in the plaza close to our church to announce the start up of Kid's Club. For Easter we want to teach the lesson with the Resurrection Eggs and then give away these 5 dozen eggs with a Bible verse and invitation to all the children. (Of course the egg will also have a piece of candy inside!) We are asking that you would pray for these "5 dozen" invitations. We are really excited what the Lord is going to do with the children in our neighborhood!! God has been so good to us and His gift to the world is for all who will listen!! Pray that God will use this opportunity for His glory!! Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Youth Camps 2016!!!

24 accepted Christ as their Savior in 3 weeks!! Praise the Lord!!

The videos were big so I put them on YouTube.  Just click and enjoy!!