The yearly fellowship meeting this year was held in La Serena, Chile. It was the first time for me to visit Chile and to see the Pacific Ocean. I have to admit before we headed out in our car for the trip, I had to come to terms with the fact that Chile is known for its tremors and earthquakes. I was able to get my mind settled with that fact. Then, just an hour after we arrived we saw this sign and it just made me laugh!! I really shouldn't fear anything anywhere because I am in the Lord's hands and He is in control of everything! (By the way no tremors or tsunamis while we were there!)
The meetings were a great encouragement to us as well as the time spent with our Chilean brothers and sisters. Glorious undisputed beauty was all around us during our stay and the road trip there and back was amazing. Mountains and ocean all at the same time!
We also celebrated Mother's Day this month. For our special edition of our monthly ladies meeting we had a jewelry workshop. We didn't have any knew visitors this year but we had a great time of fellowship. Marta shared a short devotional that gave us spiritual beauty tips to think on daily that would make us pleasing in the sight of our Heavenly Father and a testimony to the world. Here's a sample of some of the things we made.
Now, the choir is in full swing getting ready for Christmas. Work out at camp has started to get it in condition for camps which start in January. I'm sure there will be pictures in the next post!!
Thanks for all the prayers!! Keep them coming!!