Sunday, August 3, 2014

VBS-Colonia "Sobre las Olas"

Last week we had our winter Vacation Bible School. Our church adopted the custom of having VBS during winter vacation since summertime for us is full of camps and a lot of the kids go to the swimming pools, go on vacation, or visit family etc.  Our theme was "Sobre las Olas"  (Above the Waves) - a tropical theme.  It was really fun since it is winter here!  
We didn't have as good of attendance as we have had in the past but it was a great time to regroup all our regular kids. Of course we had our annual boat race and even the teens participated!!


We appreciate all your prayers and ask that you would continue to do so!  This year is more than half over yet it feels like it has just begun.  We have so many activities, visitors, decisions, special meetings, etc. that are planned to be done/made by the end of this year.  It is such a great blessing to do what the Lord has called us to do here in Argentina.  May we be able to reach more souls for Him by the end of this year!