We were able to attend the Conferencia Fundamentalismo in Uruguay. Bro. Jim Smith from BBFI mission's office was our speaker and did a great job speaking on the theme of "A Call to Persevere". Also, Mike's mom and dad, Richard and Lynda Todd were honored for their 50 years of serving the Lord on the mission field.
On our trip to Uruguay, we took the ferry to cross the River Plate. On the way back over we got to ride on the "Francisco" which is the brand new ferry that they named after the new Argentine pope - Francisco. For a ferry it was very luxurious.

Can you find me sleeping? (Ha ha!!)
The Saturday after we got back we had our ladies luncheon to celebrate Mother's Day. (Mother's Day is this Sunday, Oct. 20). We were down to just the faithful few, (down from last year :( ) but we had a wonderful time encouraging one another and just being together.