I've got some catching up to do!! June has been extremely busy so I'm just now sitting down to chronicle. First of all, I have to mention a very special visitor we had for 3 weeks. My very special friend Doni Hatfield came for a long awaited visit. I can't even describe how deeply I was blessed by her coming. It was such an encouragement to me to be able to finally really share with her the ministry here in Argentina, the culture, and just my everyday life.
In the month of June we also celebrated Father's Day and Mike's birthday.
We started a new cycle of our kid's Club - Super Heroes. We studied Moses, Gideon, Esther, and today the last lesson was a missionary story. Of course we incorporated other "Super heroes" just for fun!!

Winter vacation begins today. That means preparing for our VBS and other activities.
Work at camp continues. Lord willing they will be installing the new roof on the men's dorm the first part of August. I'm sure in the next few weeks there will be many work days put in to get every thing ready for that day!! Next time I'll post pictures of the progress.
I also want to give thanks to the Lord for all of His goodness to us. We have our health, daily provision, a home for our assembly of believers, and the freedom to share His Word in Argentina. He has also blessed us with a wonderful core group of people who also love the Lord and are always willing to serve. I am extremely thankful for that!!
Thank you for your continued prayers and interest in our ministry!!