The end of May, the 26th and 27th, we had Pastor Enoc Gutierrez from Mexico with us for a mini conference. He taught on the importance of Christian Education and encouraged us to keep on the right track because there has been an epidemic of churches phasing out this ministry in our churches.
He also preached to our congregation on Sunday morning to close out our mission's emphasis. We also took our Faith Promise Missionary Offering pledges for this year. We were happy to see an increase and, Lord willing, will be able to increase our monthly support to our missionaries. Praise the Lord! We also have plans to be more of a blessing to our missionaries this year with other projects. Knowing the way the Lord works, I'm sure that our congregation will also be blessed because of their efforts.

Coming up this weekend is Father's Day. For a special treat and to honor all Fathers, we will be showing the movie "Courageous" this Saturday evening. We are hoping to see new families come to this event and to be able to be a blessing and a witness of Christ's love to them as well.
Except for a few back problems and tendinitis, the Lord has kept us safe and healthy. For that we are thankful. We are also thankful that our two children, Michael and Stephany, were able to make the mission's trip to Kibera, Kenya. We personally thank all who have supported and prayed for them. I'm sure they will agree that their lives will never be the same and that it was an honor to be a part of this ministry.