Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas!

It is early, I know, but this week is very hectic so I wanted to make sure I sent my greetings now instead of after the fact.
We are all doing well.  This past Saturday we had a teen meeting and had an awesome time! Thanks to Abiding Life Baptist Fellowship (Pastor Walter Swaim) we were able to buy a foosball table and we used it for the first time at the meeting.

We had two first time visitors at the meeting. We are always excited to be able to minister to new young people!!

Sunday we had a special service for Christmas. We presented some short video clips and Mike preached a wonderful message of salvation. We also had 4 first time visitors and 2 "visitors" that had attended faithfully several years ago.

Now, this Friday we have our Christmas/End of the Year party which is always a fun time and well attended. We are praying that many families will accompany their children to this event.

And of course we will have services this Sunday, Christmas Day. Please pray that our church will be a light and a voice to our community. We want to share the true message of Christmas - Jesus Christ, God's son, was born here on earth and lived among us. He was born to die on the cross. Believing in Him gives us power to become the sons of God.  Hallelujah!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December in Argentina

Sorry I don't have a picture to share this time, but I still wanted to share.

December is always a busy month for us here in Argentina. I've already had my ladies' meeting for the month. And by the way, we had a great Bible study! We had one lady that came that hasn't been since she came the first time in June. Everyone participated and shared in the meeting which was  a great testimony to her. There was even so much enthusiasm that one lady suggested that we have a study in her home so she could invite her neighbors! And we are supposed to do that before the end of the year.
Please pray for our Christmas and end of the year activities. School ends here in December so all the kids and college students are taking exams and finals. All clubs and groups are having their end of the year parties. So it is hard for us to get our friends and neighbors to come to "one more" activity. We definitely will be there praising and thanking God for His gift of His Son to all the world!

I also wanted to let you know that I have added a page to our website. It's called Sunday School Sayings. Every now and then one of our SS kids says something funny or profound and I thought it would be fun to write them down. I thought it would be easier to have a page on our website so if you're interested, here is the link. mikeandsandytoddargentina.synthasite.com

Camp season is coming upon us also. Those begin in January but the preparations have already begun. We have 3 to prepare for and one one retreat in February. We'd appreciate your prayers also for our camps.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!