Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Merry Christmas!
It is early, I know, but this week is very hectic so I wanted to make sure I sent my greetings now instead of after the fact.
We are all doing well. This past Saturday we had a teen meeting and had an awesome time! Thanks to Abiding Life Baptist Fellowship (Pastor Walter Swaim) we were able to buy a foosball table and we used it for the first time at the meeting.
We had two first time visitors at the meeting. We are always excited to be able to minister to new young people!!
Sunday we had a special service for Christmas. We presented some short video clips and Mike preached a wonderful message of salvation. We also had 4 first time visitors and 2 "visitors" that had attended faithfully several years ago.
Now, this Friday we have our Christmas/End of the Year party which is always a fun time and well attended. We are praying that many families will accompany their children to this event.
And of course we will have services this Sunday, Christmas Day. Please pray that our church will be a light and a voice to our community. We want to share the true message of Christmas - Jesus Christ, God's son, was born here on earth and lived among us. He was born to die on the cross. Believing in Him gives us power to become the sons of God. Hallelujah!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December in Argentina
Sorry I don't have a picture to share this time, but I still wanted to share.
December is always a busy month for us here in Argentina. I've already had my ladies' meeting for the month. And by the way, we had a great Bible study! We had one lady that came that hasn't been since she came the first time in June. Everyone participated and shared in the meeting which was a great testimony to her. There was even so much enthusiasm that one lady suggested that we have a study in her home so she could invite her neighbors! And we are supposed to do that before the end of the year.
Please pray for our Christmas and end of the year activities. School ends here in December so all the kids and college students are taking exams and finals. All clubs and groups are having their end of the year parties. So it is hard for us to get our friends and neighbors to come to "one more" activity. We definitely will be there praising and thanking God for His gift of His Son to all the world!
I also wanted to let you know that I have added a page to our website. It's called Sunday School Sayings. Every now and then one of our SS kids says something funny or profound and I thought it would be fun to write them down. I thought it would be easier to have a page on our website so if you're interested, here is the link.
Camp season is coming upon us also. Those begin in January but the preparations have already begun. We have 3 to prepare for and one one retreat in February. We'd appreciate your prayers also for our camps.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
December is always a busy month for us here in Argentina. I've already had my ladies' meeting for the month. And by the way, we had a great Bible study! We had one lady that came that hasn't been since she came the first time in June. Everyone participated and shared in the meeting which was a great testimony to her. There was even so much enthusiasm that one lady suggested that we have a study in her home so she could invite her neighbors! And we are supposed to do that before the end of the year.
Please pray for our Christmas and end of the year activities. School ends here in December so all the kids and college students are taking exams and finals. All clubs and groups are having their end of the year parties. So it is hard for us to get our friends and neighbors to come to "one more" activity. We definitely will be there praising and thanking God for His gift of His Son to all the world!
I also wanted to let you know that I have added a page to our website. It's called Sunday School Sayings. Every now and then one of our SS kids says something funny or profound and I thought it would be fun to write them down. I thought it would be easier to have a page on our website so if you're interested, here is the link.
Camp season is coming upon us also. Those begin in January but the preparations have already begun. We have 3 to prepare for and one one retreat in February. We'd appreciate your prayers also for our camps.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I just had to do it...
I just had to post this picture of these two handsome men! The one on the left is my handsome husband and the one on the right is the new version of my father-in-law, Richard Todd. Many of you may not have known this but my father-in-law had a heart attack and quadruple by-pass surgery in August. Since then he has lost 50 pounds and is doing great! We are so thankful that the Lord has restored him! Actually, I think the Lord made him into a new updated version! ;)
We are so proud of him and the effort he (with the help of my mother-in-law, Lynda) put forth to make such a wonderful recovery. My father and mother in-law are some of the most godly people I know and wanted to honor them on my blog today.
We love you both so very much!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Mother's Day - Oct. 16
It's taken me awhile to get back to organizing things after we returned from the U.S.
Since we've been back we've celebrated Mother's Day which is in October in Argentina.
I love this picture because I dearly love each and every one of these mothers you see here. These ladies are true friends of mine. They all love the Lord and are faithful to Him.
In October we also had another children's activity. It was great to see all the new kids from the neighborhood again!
I brought back a Twister game that I had bought in a Thrift Store in the States and we played it for the first time with the kids at the activity. I've been wanting one of these games for them for a long time but they are so expensive here. So I was so thrilled when I got it for $2.50 (new)!! Cha-ching!! I love Thrift Stores!!
Now that we are getting back in the swing of things again we are restructuring our ministries. Now I'm back as a Sunday School teacher!! It's been over 2 years since I've taught regularly in Sunday School. I'm very excited to be back teaching the children again. I've missed them!
That leads me to a prayer request. There are so many children in our neighborhood that would come to our Sunday School but their parents won't let them. Please pray that the Lord will open doors so that we would be able to reach these kids and their families.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I smelled Argentina today.
I am back in Argentina now and am with my in-laws. My father-in-law, Richard Todd, had by-pass surgery a couple of weeks ago and is at home recovering. I'm staying with them visiting and doing what I can to help out until Mike gets back to Argentina on Friday. Mike is in Chile this week for the Fundamentalist Fellowship meeting and will be preaching two times.
I smelled Argentina today!! I went walking in to town to go to the pharmacy to get medicines for my in-laws and was greeted with the lovely smells of garlic and typical "Argentina" smells wafting from the houses. It was a wonderful welcome to me and an olfactory memory I will never forget!
I'm anxious to get back to my home and our ministry in Junin, but for now I am content spending time with my family and becoming reaccuainted with my Argentina. Y
I smelled Argentina today!! I went walking in to town to go to the pharmacy to get medicines for my in-laws and was greeted with the lovely smells of garlic and typical "Argentina" smells wafting from the houses. It was a wonderful welcome to me and an olfactory memory I will never forget!
I'm anxious to get back to my home and our ministry in Junin, but for now I am content spending time with my family and becoming reaccuainted with my Argentina. Y
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Our last picture...
This is our last family picture for now. We left Michael and Stephany in Springfield, MO to start and continue their college careers. Our little family is going through the pains of change. This is nothing new, for thousands of families before us have passed this divide and made it through just fine. But, nonetheless, it brings many challenges and emotions that are difficult.
Good things are attached also. It's awesome to see our kids step out into independent life and for us to pass through memory lane back to the time when we first stepped out on our own.
We just ask for your prayers that God will guide and protect Michael and Stephany. Also pray that God would comfort our hearts as we face an empty nest in Argentina and that we would trust the Lord in all things as the miles separate us. Mike and I are headed back to Argentina October 1.
Mike and Sandy
Thursday, August 11, 2011
News from Argentina.
This is what I've heard from Argentina since I am still currently in the States.
We had our annual Winter VBS the 28, 29, and 30th of July. This year our theme was "Ready, Set, Go!" For three days they taught on the life of Noah and the last day, a regatta boat race.
This event is always a great success and we always have visitors. It was a wonderful opportunity for all to hear the gospel and make decisions. We pray that God will work in their hearts and lives and that we would be able to reach their families.
I am posting a few pictures for you. Also, please be praying for Mike's safety. He will be travelling to the States on the 17th and 18th to be with us later on.
We had our annual Winter VBS the 28, 29, and 30th of July. This year our theme was "Ready, Set, Go!" For three days they taught on the life of Noah and the last day, a regatta boat race.
This event is always a great success and we always have visitors. It was a wonderful opportunity for all to hear the gospel and make decisions. We pray that God will work in their hearts and lives and that we would be able to reach their families.
I am posting a few pictures for you. Also, please be praying for Mike's safety. He will be travelling to the States on the 17th and 18th to be with us later on.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I'm too young for this.
I'm on my way to being an empty nester. Stephany and I have been in the States now for about a week now. This is the beginning of our journey to prepare her and leave her behind at college. It all seems so unreal that our little baby girl is old enough for college already. Thus, I'm too young for this!
But, I honestly have to say that it is a very exciting time in spite of all the uncertainty and sad good-byes. I remember my college days and my first years of independence with very special memories. I look at my two collegiate children and burst with pride as they bravely take a step into the waters of their own individual lives. I have all confidence that they will succeed in accomplishing their goals and a few of their dreams. They both love the Lord with all their hearts and are seeking His guidance in their future and in their service to Him.
Please continue to pray for our family. We all seem to be going in different directions at this time travelling around. Michael is in Springfield working this summer. Mike is in Argentina but will travel August 17 to join us here in the States.
Pray for the church in Argentina while we are absent that God will lead them and they will take the lead and keep marching ahead. God bless.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Father's Day at Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida
Well, it's been two Sunday's since our inauguration. We're still all very excited! We have had two couples that have continued attending since then and we had a new visiting couple this past Sunday, Father's day. It was a great time celebrating our Heavenly Father and all the father's present! Below is a picture of the father's who were there and a video of father's and their daughters singing a special song.
This Saturday we have our monthly ladies meeting. Please keep us in your prayers. We have several unsaved ladies who have said they will be there!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Blessed Weekend
Our Saturday dedication service was wonderful! We invited all our pastor friends and family and we had over 90 in attendence! We didn't have enough chairs but no one seemed to mind. It was such a happy time and the spirit was just amazing. You could just feel the excitement oozing out!
We sang several hymns and choruses together and Pastor Galarza from our mother church in San Antonio de Padua (previously pastored by Richard Todd) gave a short message and lead the ceremony of postulating and electing of our Pastor. (Mike Todd of course!) Then all the members signed the church pact. We elected a church treasurer and secretary. A small group from our church sang a special number and the children from the OANSA (AWANA) Club from our sister church in Junin also sang a special. My father-in-law, Richard Todd, gave a wonderful message on respect for the church and we concluded the whole meeting with refreshments.
We sang several hymns and choruses together and Pastor Galarza from our mother church in San Antonio de Padua (previously pastored by Richard Todd) gave a short message and lead the ceremony of postulating and electing of our Pastor. (Mike Todd of course!) Then all the members signed the church pact. We elected a church treasurer and secretary. A small group from our church sang a special number and the children from the OANSA (AWANA) Club from our sister church in Junin also sang a special. My father-in-law, Richard Todd, gave a wonderful message on respect for the church and we concluded the whole meeting with refreshments.
Sunday we had our inauguration service where we invited our neighbors, friends, and family to attend. We had 11 visitors. Even though there were no professions of faith, we were very excited to be able to talk with them. Many of them said they would be back and are excited about the different ministries of our church.
The picture below is of the Sunday service. Some more visitors came in after this picture was taken. :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
The countdown begins...
Just 4 more days to the dedication/inauguration services!! We thought this day would never come.
This past Saturday we had our annual international supper (in our house). This time of year we always take and renew our mission's giving commitments.
Sunday morning we had our last Sunday School service with the children in our house). Next Sunday we will have S.S. in the building.
Sunday evening we had our regular service in the building. It was just our normal crowd this time. We wanted to try it out at least once to see if we need to correct any problems before we have our dedication and inauguration. Everything went well except for the heating. To make a long story short, please pray that we will be able to heat the auditorium sufficiently. We think we have it worked out but we don't want Satan to spoil anything!!
The highlight of the service was when we made our commitments to mission's giving. The amount that came in more than doubled our promise from last year!! I think that is a wonderful sign of more wonderful things to come in the future!
Here is a picture of us getting ready for the service last Sunday night.
This past Saturday we had our annual international supper (in our house). This time of year we always take and renew our mission's giving commitments.
Sunday morning we had our last Sunday School service with the children in our house). Next Sunday we will have S.S. in the building.
Sunday evening we had our regular service in the building. It was just our normal crowd this time. We wanted to try it out at least once to see if we need to correct any problems before we have our dedication and inauguration. Everything went well except for the heating. To make a long story short, please pray that we will be able to heat the auditorium sufficiently. We think we have it worked out but we don't want Satan to spoil anything!!
The highlight of the service was when we made our commitments to mission's giving. The amount that came in more than doubled our promise from last year!! I think that is a wonderful sign of more wonderful things to come in the future!
Here is a picture of us getting ready for the service last Sunday night.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Bad Girls
I had another ladies meeting yesterday. Last month we started a series of lessons called "Bad Girls of the Bible". And wouldn't you know that that title caught their attention! We studied the second lesson yesterday. All the ladies, as well as myself, are really enjoying a different way of looking at some of the women of the Bible. Some of the women of the Bible don't get a lot of attention because of their badness, but we are studying them to learn where their sin lead them and how we can avoid making the same mistakes.
While we were having our meeting in our house, Mike and a group of men were at the building working. They installed more electrical sockets, painted primer on the walls, and glued ceramic down in the bathroom. It's moving along but we still have so much to do the next two weeks. Inauguration day - June 4-5!
Here's a peek at the bathroom tiles.
While we were having our meeting in our house, Mike and a group of men were at the building working. They installed more electrical sockets, painted primer on the walls, and glued ceramic down in the bathroom. It's moving along but we still have so much to do the next two weeks. Inauguration day - June 4-5!
Here's a peek at the bathroom tiles.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The fence is down!!
Finally the fences are down!! And... the gate is up!! It may not look like much is going on but it sure was a big and happy day for us. This week we were also able to install more of the alarm system and our electrician was able to come to do some more of the electric installations. Soon, I will post some pictures of the lights we installed in the main auditorium.

This past Saturday we had a kid's activity in the building. We had such a great time with the kids! We had 16 children present and were able to give a clear Gospel message.

This past Saturday we had a kid's activity in the building. We had such a great time with the kids! We had 16 children present and were able to give a clear Gospel message.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
We have all the windows!!!
At times we thought we would never be able to say that but... now we can!! Praise the Lord! Last week they finally delivered and installed the last of the glass. They even replaced one panel that they had cracked when they were installing them on the first day. The gas installations were also finished. Mike also has been working on the wall and the gate that opens to the patio. Now we are hoping and praying that next week we will be able to get the electric installed that we need to be able to use the building for meetings. This is the next big step. We need to finish out a little more at least one bathroom and then we are good to go. June is starting to look pretty good. And that's pretty good timing on the Lord's part. In June our church celebrates its 15th anniversary!
Meanwhile, the church marches on. We've had a drop in attendance of our children's ministry. But we have seen an increase in our regular services and our teens have maintained. We continue to have regular meetings on Sundays, activities for the teens and children, and a new ladies Bible study is starting up. Everyone is very anxious to inaugurate the building. Almost every Sunday someone will comment that they had a friend promise to come when we inaugurate.
Mike and I also had opportunities to witness this week and are praying that God will touch their hearts to make decisions. Here are some pictures!! Be back soon. Sandy
Meanwhile, the church marches on. We've had a drop in attendance of our children's ministry. But we have seen an increase in our regular services and our teens have maintained. We continue to have regular meetings on Sundays, activities for the teens and children, and a new ladies Bible study is starting up. Everyone is very anxious to inaugurate the building. Almost every Sunday someone will comment that they had a friend promise to come when we inaugurate.
Mike and I also had opportunities to witness this week and are praying that God will touch their hearts to make decisions. Here are some pictures!! Be back soon. Sandy
Friday, April 1, 2011
Still waiting...
No new pictures this time because we are still waiting. Waiting for the rest of the glass for the windows. Just to give you an idea they told us that the glass would arrive yesterday or today. Did it get here? Uhh, no. Now they are saying next week sometime. We are not holding our breath.
So, no "new" news or pictures. We can't plan for the innauguration date until we have some important details finished on the building all of which depend on other services to do their jobs.
I guess this is a lesson on patience and trusting in the Lord's timing. How many vote that those are some of the toughest lessons to learn?!
So, no "new" news or pictures. We can't plan for the innauguration date until we have some important details finished on the building all of which depend on other services to do their jobs.
I guess this is a lesson on patience and trusting in the Lord's timing. How many vote that those are some of the toughest lessons to learn?!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Our missionary friends
We just got back from a trip to San Juan in the province of San Juan. Our national friends, Ricardo and Vilma Orozco just moved there a couple of months ago to start a new work. We all really need to cover them in prayer as they start this new work from scratch.
San Juan is in a very dry climate in the desert area of Argentina. Temperatures are extremely high in the summer. Please pray that God will strengthen and heal Ricardo and Vilma with their health issues so that they will have the strength to tackle this great mission that the Lord has called them to do.
Here are a few pictures of the out lying area. Remember to pray for the Orozco family!

San Juan is in a very dry climate in the desert area of Argentina. Temperatures are extremely high in the summer. Please pray that God will strengthen and heal Ricardo and Vilma with their health issues so that they will have the strength to tackle this great mission that the Lord has called them to do.
Here are a few pictures of the out lying area. Remember to pray for the Orozco family!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
WINDOWS AND DOORS!!!!! (almost...)
We thought this day would never come... but it came... and almost all the windows and doors were installed. Praise the Lord!! Also big thank-yous go out to some of our Argentine friends who came out to help along with our nephew Brandon and a few young men from our church. We have the glass promised to arrive and be installed by this Friday or Saturday. The way it has been going so far, it doesn't seem like that will happen. But, we will trust the Lord's timing to be perfect and try not to fret.
We are still very anxious to have the building finished enough to have meetings there. Please keep praying for us that it will happen soon. It would be excellent to have Easter services there!!
We are still very anxious to have the building finished enough to have meetings there. Please keep praying for us that it will happen soon. It would be excellent to have Easter services there!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Plastering Ninjas!!
You can't see the progress from the outside... but on the inside, what a difference! Two bothers, Recayte, who are our brothers in the faith, came for three days to work on plastering walls in our building. We never dreamed how fast these two men could work! They were like Ninjas flinging that plaster on the walls!! They finished all the walls that were undone in the temple area, finished the entryway, and did most of the stairway and office. They probably would have finished that if we wouldn't have run out of material! Thanks guys for your sacrifice in coming to work so hard for our church home.
Now this Saturday we are having a kid's activity in the building. Please pray that these children and new neighborhood children will recieve God's message of salvation. Also pray that they will catch the vision of what the Lord can do in their neighborhood through the Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida (New Life Baptist Church)!
Now this Saturday we are having a kid's activity in the building. Please pray that these children and new neighborhood children will recieve God's message of salvation. Also pray that they will catch the vision of what the Lord can do in their neighborhood through the Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida (New Life Baptist Church)!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Youth Camp season - Over...
It's hard to believe that another camp season has come and gone. Now all that is left to do is praise the Lord for saving the souls of 19 children and teens and for the decisions that were made. We will also be praying that all these young souls will remain "connected" to the vine and that we will see them again next year when camp season comes around again. John 15:5
We are so grateful for all those who participated in the running of the camp and for those who volunteered their time as counselors.Monday, January 24, 2011
Jovenes Conectados – Connected Youth (sounds better in Spanish!!)
Our theme this year for camp was Jovenes Conectados or Connected Youth in English. It doesn’t sound very cool in English but it was very effective in Spanish. Mike was the speaker for the second week of 12-14 year old teens. We divided the campers in to four teams – Twitter, Yahoo, Google, and Facebook – for game time and small group counsel time.
In the first two camps of teenagers we had 152 campers. We saw 9 teens accept the Lord as Savior (two of those I was privileged to lead) and over 40 other decisions were made. Our church in JunÃn sent 8 campers to these camps and many of them made personal decisions for the Lord.
Now we have the last camp to go. The hardest one of all. The most numerous camp of 8-11 year olds. It is a lot of work and the noise level triples!! It’s probably the most fun camp because children of this age are so tender and loving and don’t have many inhibitions. They play their hearts out and are very open to listen to God’s Word.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Old Times and a New Year
I know I promised pictures of the construction but we have been put on hold for a little while as we wait for our windows to be made and the glass to come in. But, it's all in God's good timing. Camp season is quickly coming and that takes up 4 weeks of our summer!! I am happy to say that God blessed above our expectations and provided the funds to order all the windows and doors! It's so exciting to know that it won't be long now until we will finally be able to have regular meetings in the church's own building and also to collect on all the promises of visitors when we inaugurate.
The last few days have seem liked old times for us. Our son Michael was able to come visit for about 13 days. It feels like he had never left for college. Once again we have had our house full of young people just hanging out! But, reality is approaching too quickly. In a few days we will be taking Michael back to the airport to say good-bye and to send him off, far away...
We are so extremely excited about 2011!! Sometimes I just can't get my mind around all the things that I know the Lord has in store for us! And I'm not even considering the things that are unexpected. It's going to be a great year!
I'll try and post about our camps that are coming up. We have 3 of them in a row so it may take me a week or so to get caught up.
Have a blessed 2011 everyone!!
The last few days have seem liked old times for us. Our son Michael was able to come visit for about 13 days. It feels like he had never left for college. Once again we have had our house full of young people just hanging out! But, reality is approaching too quickly. In a few days we will be taking Michael back to the airport to say good-bye and to send him off, far away...
We are so extremely excited about 2011!! Sometimes I just can't get my mind around all the things that I know the Lord has in store for us! And I'm not even considering the things that are unexpected. It's going to be a great year!
I'll try and post about our camps that are coming up. We have 3 of them in a row so it may take me a week or so to get caught up.
Have a blessed 2011 everyone!!
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